God is so good

Let me just start be saying that we are so blessed, beyond anything that I can even begin to describe. Daniel and I have received an abundance of favor since, well since we have been together. We are so undeserving of it all, but I know He showers us with blessings just to show us how much He loves us. I never want to forget that I am where I am today only because of His grace, mercy, and love for me.
With that being said, we have found a wonderful church here in Houston! It was such perfect timing. I feel as though we were embraced by the people there and are already apart of their family. Toward the end of the service a few people prayed for us and spoke over our lives. For Daniel, that he be a man of wisdom and for me, that I be a woman of joy. It is such a beautiful atmosphere filled with people with beautiful hearts.
On a different note, we went to the Houston Symphony this past week. We couldn’t really see it but it sounded awesome! We should know by now that any event that is free in Houston is going to be packed. It was at the Miller Outdoor Theater which is actually a really cool place. The stage is covered, and there is a huge hill that you can see the stage from. Lots of families bring lawn chairs and food and watch the show. Well the night we went we had to sit on the opposite site of the hill from the stage. Apparently the Houston Symphony is a big deal, we did get a good view of the fireworks at the end of the show though.


I have applied to so many job, so now I am just waiting to hear back for an interview. I’m at the point where I am going crazy being at home all day, and I’m so ready to start working… But since I have been home, I’ve decided to start sewing again. I hadn’t touched my sewing machine in so long, so it took me a little while to get the hang of it again. I spent lots of time getting inspired on Pinterest. I wanted to be thrifty so I patched together some old fabric that I already had. I’m going to slowly start making things for my children. Wait a minute… Don’t freak out… We aren’t planning on having kids anytime soon. I just want to start making things for them now because eventually me life is going to get busy again and I won’t have time. Here’s what I’ve done so far…


I’ve decided the day that we do finally want to have a baby I’m going to announce it on my blog just to see how many people actually read it. I figure the people who do read it deserve to know first anyway. (Family, you’ll find out before I blog it.) 🙂

My mom recently got an iPhone and has figured out how to FaceTime. I’ve enjoyed being able to see her instead of just talking on the phone. Oh the joys of technology!

And Daniel got a grill!

Well that’s about it for now… The garden is still alive, the house is still wonderful, and our hearts are happy.


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