Cheers to one year!

I can’t believe that we have already been married a whole year! Thinking back, so much has happened in our lives. We have had a lot of firsts together. Our first puppies, first time to get real grown up jobs, graduating college, first time moving away to a big city, and first time home and car owners. We are so blessed beyond measure and The Lord is continuing to bless us. All the glory goes to Him.


Most recently, we have finally settled into our new home. Can I just say that getting the keys to our house was almost as exciting as our wedding day. After all the work we had to do to prepare for it, we are finally able to call ourselves homeowners. The trek to get here was interesting though…

We started our journey to Houston at 3am Friday because we were told we had to be at the house by 11am. So off we went. Daniel drove solo in has car and I took the puppies in mine. I was so nervous because up to that point I hadn’t made it past Austin without falling asleep, as a passenger of course. We loaded up on caffeine and used walkie talkies to chat along the way. Rick and Jimmy were a few hours behind us with the trailer. After about 6 hours we made it to the house for a final inspection, which only took about 10 mins, so for about 2 hours, while we waited for the closing appointment, we were homeless. The dogs had been really well behaved up to this point, but they were starting to get tired of being cooped up in the car so we grabbed so food and went to a park for them to play. Then, closing time had finally come. It wasn’t what I pictured though. And I guess it could have been if we were anyone else there, but we had been up since 3am, didn’t have our clothes to change, and had 2 restless dogs that we didn’t have anywhere to take. That’s right, we brought the dogs with us to the signing. I wore my dog hair covered stretchy pants and t-shirt with no makeup and messy hair. We probably should have thought that through a little more, but hey, we still got the house.


We met Rick and Jimmy at the house and started unloading. My parents arrived later that night and with all of us working together we got all of the boxes unloaded and the majority unpacked by the next day. We are so grateful to have such a supportive family who was willing to help us move. There is no way we could have done it without their help.



Over the next few days, my mom and I painted and decorated like you wouldn’t believe; the guys had a list of projects to do as well. The house finally started to look like a home. It was such a strange feeling saying goodbye to each of them knowing that they were going home and I was staying here, where I now called home. Such a bittersweet feeling. I am so excited to be here while at the same time I miss the idea of being able to call our family and organize a last minute dinner date.

With all of that being said, my heart finds joy in the thought that this is what the Creator of the entire universe had in store for Daniel and I. For the first time in a long time I have not had my schedule planned out to the minute. I am able to focus on things that in the past were put on the back burner, like accomplishing some of my pins on Pinterest!! Daniel and I have grown so much closer in a new way that we couldn’t experience when we lived in San Angelo. With very few friends here we have been so dependent on each other. We are going on adventures and trying new things that we have never experienced before. It’s so out of my comfort zone and I love it.


3 thoughts on “Cheers to one year!

  1. So excited for you,Daniel and the puppies. This is the beginning of a wonderful journey! May God’s blessings and favor continue to over flow.

  2. We are totally excited for you. Yes, it’s so different when it’s just you two, isn’t it? But it’s such a growing experience. I’ve been enjoying all the pictures you posted for the decorating, that was great! Anyhow, Gdad and I love you both and know that God’s blessings will continue, and we know that He is watching over you both! P.S., message me your new address, please? Love you both, Gma Judy

    • I am so excited for the both of you!!! When Fernando and I lived eight hours away from both family and friends it was the best thing ever for us. Although I was homesick as well Fernando was more than my husband, he was and still is my best friend! It’s amazing how strong your relationship can get when it’s just the two of you. We will continue to keep y’all in our prayers that he will provide a great home church and great friends in Christ!!! Xoxoxo!!!

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